Grade 3


Mrs Nicky Howes
Mrs Hilary Olivier


Grade 3 at Bishopslea is a very important year as it is a transition year from Infants to the Junior part of the school. 

There are many changes:

  • Pupils no longer go home at 12.30, instead they go home at 1pm on non-sporting days and have at least two days with full afternoon activities. 
  • Those children that are chosen for the school sports teams will do more than two afternoons and possibly will have to travel to other schools, which is very exciting. 
  • Pupils no longer use chair bags but have a desk and a locker to store their belongings. 
  • They will now be issued with textbooks and have the responsibility to take care of these.
  • On the days they have sport there will be an afternoon prep session
  • Homework increases in Grade 3. 
  • In Grade 3 we introduce the girls to exams.  They will write exams in June and November.  Reports will come home with their marks. 
  • There will be class outings during the year.
  • Pupils will learn how to choose their own library books as our class libraries are well equipped. 
  • The will begin to attend chapel services weekly.  Each term they will present a chapel play to the school which parents may come and watch.

Our aim in Grade 3 is to help your children mature into responsible and independent little ladies and to have lots of fun with all the new changes.