
Staff: Mrs. Hazel Dahwa

The Bishopslea ICT department, headed by Mrs. Hazel Dahwa, provides ICT lessons from ECD to Grade 7. The department boasts a computer lab with 27 all –in-one iMac computers. These are loaded with educational applications and full Internet access. Every pupil has access to a computer for 1 lesson per week. For ECD – Grade 4, lessons are closely related to the curriculum taught in the classroom. Activities done in the lab are for reinforcement of bonds, times tables, spelling and grammar in a fun and relaxed manner. Pupils are also introduced to coding using Scratch

The upper classes from Grade 5 – 7 are taught how to use the basic Microsoft office packages (i.e. Word, Excel, Power Point, Database basics and file management). Practical and written theory exams are taken at the end of the 7th year, for which pupils are awarded a certificate to provide a benchmark for high school ICT training.

ICT is utilized throughout the school through the use of iPads and laptops through interactive projectors as teaching tools


Grade Ones need headphones for activities as from term 2. These should be the ones that go over the head not earphones.