Mrs Sandy Harley
Miss Lorna McCallum
Miss Abby Meikle
Miss Lorna McCallum
Miss Abby Meikle
Grade 3 at Bishopslea is a crucial year as it is a transition year from Infants to the Junior part of the school. There are many changes for them as we help the children mature into responsible and independent young girls and boys (Boys can join ELP from Grade 3). We try to make the change as enjoyable and as easy for them as possible.
- From grade 3 pupils go home at 1 pm on non-sporting days and have at least two days with full afternoon activities.
- Pupils no longer use chair bags but have a desk and a locker to store their belongings.
- Pupils are issued with textbooks for which they will be responsible.
- Homework increases during this year.
- In Grade 3 we introduce pupils to exams. They will write exams in June and November. Reports will be sent home with the exam marks.
- Pupils will learn how to choose their own library books as our class libraries are well equipped.
- On the days they have sport, there will be an afternoon prep session.
- Pupils will begin to attend chapel services weekly. Each year they will present a chapel play to the school which parents may come to watch.
- In term 2, the Grade 3s are involved in a school production with Grades 4 and 5.
- There are class outings during the year.
- Those pupils that are chosen for the school sports teams will do more than two afternoons, and possibly will have to travel to other schools for matches, which is very exciting.
- Our aim in Grade 3 is to help children to mature into responsible and independent boys and girls and to have lots of fun with all the new changes.
- Compulsory sports are:
- i) athletics, cross country, and tennis in term 1
- ii) hockey and netball in term 2
- iii) swimming and tennis in term 3